About Us
Oh Balloons N More! was established in 2011 by Hadassah Kalisch. Living far from home, Hadassah found a way to keep relatives close… and there’s no better way to show you care or to share in a simcha then by sending something sweet!

- We are under the Approval of the Vaad Hashrus of Harav Shmuel Weiner Shlita, of Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem.
- All baking products are Badatz Eida Chareidis.
- Please contact us for specifics regarding candy Hechsharim.
- Jerusalem: Ramat Eshkol, Maalot Dafna, Arzei, Sorotzkin, Geula + $10
- Jerusalem: Har Nof, Bayit V’gan, Rechavia, Talpiyot, Ramot, Ramat Shlomo + $15
- Outside Jerusalem: Please call or email for prices.